Wednesday 26 September 2012

Is Super Mario Cloud a art work?

Super Mario Cloud (Source : )

The idea of Super Mario Cloud is based on a Nintendo game "Super Mario". Cory Arcangel, the creator of Super Mario Cloud,  hacked "Super Mario" and modified "Super Mario". Cory Arcangel deleted everything but left the clouds scrolling slowly in the blue sky.

Before discussing whether Super Mario Cloud is art, we should define art first. According to Adam, art has content. Also, art is not formulaic. Art is aesthetically interesting as well.

In my opinion, Super Mario Clouds can be regarded as an art work. Although Super Mario Cloud looks simple, it is quite aesthetically interesting. The clouds keep moving slowly across the blue sky from right to left. Also, there are some aesthetic possibilities, like the modeling and shading on the clouds.

Beside aesthetic possibilities, "Super Mario Cloud" has content. Cory Arcangel said that although the cloud looks simple, it represents the progression of humans, communication and technology. Players are allowed to think the game's purpose, and therefore there is a interaction between the artist and players.

Also, Adam mentioned that art can be everything. Art is not formulaic. Even though Super Mario Cloud is a simple video game, but it still can be regarded as art.

Tuesday 25 September 2012

Interview (Venus)

Question : 
How does Adams define art in your reading? Do you agree with his definition?

Tuesday 18 September 2012

Project : Opus

Opus (Source:

Opus is a online platform for visitors to share, download, veiw, edit digital objects. Visitors are allowed to share or download anythings freely.

In my opinion, Opus can be regarded as an open source because everyone is allowed to share, download, upload or modify any digital objects which are released on Opus. Since everyone can edit the information which is posted on Opus, it makes me concerning about the accuracy of information on internet. It seems that open source resources are convenient, but accuracy and privacy are still a concern.

Tuesday 11 September 2012

Pros and Cons of internet and new computer technologies

With the widespread use of broadband network, information can be spread easily. We can get information easily by simply entering a key word on search engine, like yahoo, google. It is so convenient that everyone relies on internet. Therefore, it is not surprised to see that people loves searching information on internet rather than library.

Besides, in these day and age, because of the well-developed technology, we can communicate with others easily without any boundaries. For example, nowadays smartphone is so common that we can chat with others easily via whatsapp, facebook, skpe etc.

Without doubt, internet and new computer technologies have several advantages, but we still need to be careful. Privacy is a serious problem on internet and smart phone. No matter how powerful internet is, there are always some loopholes, our personal information may therfore be revealed.

Also, we should bear in mind that the information on internet may not be true. It is because everyone can be a writer and provide information to the others through internet.

In fact, as long as we use internet and new computer technology properly and wisely, internet is definitely a fabulous platform for us. Never should we use internet and new computer technologies illegally.


Hello! I am Chan Ming Ming, Year 2 student of Visual Studies. You can call me MingMing. Let's discuss more in this platform.