Tuesday 11 September 2012


Hello! I am Chan Ming Ming, Year 2 student of Visual Studies. You can call me MingMing. Let's discuss more in this platform.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Ming Ming,
    Well your blog shows that you've been working steadily throughout the semester, and i can see you've thought about most of the key issues as you have presented well-thought out arguments and referred to important content that we've studied. Good work and well done! Here and there --eg in your post about digital cinema or about SuperMario clouds i'd like to see more detail however -- what does that film have to do with previous art styles? How is it similar or different to earlier art? And on the Clouds: it would be good to quote or refer to Admas' ideas to make your points more strongly. Keep this in mind when you give your talk and do the exam

