Saturday 10 November 2012

"Mission to earth"

1) Using "Mission to Earth" as an example, note what is new or different about digital cinema compared to traditional filmmaking? Consider the story, the structure and the appearance of the film.

The Story
  • emphasizes the feeling of the main character.
The Structure
  • Different frames display different things in order to present the split of identity which Inga experiences. Seldom do we see multiple layers in traditional filmmaking.
  • There is no dialogue in the film while traditional filmmaking always contains dialogues.
  • Repeating some scenes.
The Appearance
  • Multiple frames. "Mission to earth" displays different things in each frame.
  • Pastel colors.
What other art forms(eg. early film, digital art, painting, websites etc) does this film remind you of? Explain each similarity. 

This film reminds me a painting of Piet Mondrain which is "Composition II in Red, Blue, and Yellow". In this painting, the artist just uses horizontal line, vertical line and primary color. 

The similarity is definitely the multiple layouts in Mission to earth and the rectangular and square pattern in "Composition II in Red, Blue, and Yellow".

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