Wednesday 14 November 2012

Stelarc : Third Ear

Stelarc is a performing artist whose works put emphasis on extending capability of human. In 2007, he attached the third ear in his forearm. 

"The body now performs beyond the boundaries of its skin and beyond the local space that it occupies. " The third ear is so interesting that it breaks our conventional mind in which we are always accustomed to an idea that human has 2 legs, 2 eyes, 2 ears only. Never does a person think that a third ear can be attached in the body. However, Stelarc's work proves that our body can perform beyond the original skin. The ear cannot be functioned, but it proves that nothing is impossible. Human can even have their third ear.

Also, it is interesting because it shows the mobility of organ. Our organs can be placed in wherever we want, just like the third ear attached in the forearm. As what Stelarc said : "THE EAR ON ARM project suggests an alternate anatomical architecture - the engineering of a new organ for the body: an available, accessible and mobile organ for other bodies in other places, enabling people to locate and listen in to another body elsewhere." This project suggests a new perspective in anatomical surgery, organ is available, accessible and mobile in other places beyond the original space.

1. Stelarc:

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